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Castles for Sale in Germany

€420k Rhineland Palatinate, GERMANY.  Castle Ruin for Sale with Vineyard
€420k Rhineland Palatinate, GERMANY. Castle Ruin for Sale with Vineyard
€420k Rhineland Palatinate, GERMANY. Castle Ruin for Sale with Vineyard ...

Castles For Sale in Germany

If you're searching for a castle for sale in Germany, Castleist is the website for you. Although the 'castles for sale' market in Germany is perhaps overshadowed by the corresponding markets in France and Italy, there is a wonderful selection of properties available in Germany regardless of exactly what's on your shopping list – be it a burg, schloss or festung.  From medieval castles perched high on the side of a valley with river views to grand chateau-style properties on country estates – the selection is wide and in many cases, attractively priced.

So if you're looking for a castle for sale in Germany- including chateaux and castles for sale in Berlin, castles for sale in Bavaria, castles for sale in Lower Saxony, castles for sale in Baden-Württemberg, castles for sale in Rhineland-Palatinate, castles for sale in Saxony, castles for sale in Thuringia, castles for sale in Hessen, castles for sale in North Rhine-Westphalia, castles for sale in Saxony-Anhalt, castles for sale in Brandenburg, castles for sale in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, castles for sale in Hamburg, castles for sale in Schleswig-Holstein, castles for sale in Saarland or castles for sale in Bremen then you're on the right website.
In addition to covering the market for castles for sale in Germany, we cover the market in all other parts of the world including, but definitely not limited to; castles for sale in Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, France, Scotland, Ireland, USA, England and Wales.
Castleist is a publisher rather than a property agency so we simply cover the global market for castles and chateaux for sale. If you're an agent helping their client to buy or sell a castle then Castleist is for you. In addition to listing castles for sale, we also cover the market for other similar properties so you'll also find chateaux for sale, towers for sale, fortified towers for sale, watch towers for sale, forts for sale and fortresses for sale.
If you're buying or selling a chateau or castle in Germany or elsewhere and have any questions for us, please feel free to contact Castleist here.