In addition to Castleist's main focus on historic castles for sale, towers for sale and chateaux for sale, we also cover the market for defensive or fortified properties from more recent times. Whilst this particular market is very small, we do know that it is of interest to Castleist readers and thus on this page you will find the following properties whenever they come up for sale: forts for sale, island forts for sale, sea forts for sale (including Palmerston forts and Maunsell forts), martello towers for sale, bunkers for sale and missile silos for sale. An unusual mix perhaps but the common theme of defensive real estate is one in which our readers have consistently shown interest.
As one of the owners of a nuclear-safe bunker commented when they contacted us about selling their property “well, aren't these just modern day castles anyway”? It's certainly difficult to completely disagree with that. Whilst they might not have the romantic charm and history of medieval castles (nor, thankfully, were their defences tested in a real world situation), an underground bunker or missile silo is most definitely a property snap-shot in time, a reminder of how things were and perhaps a warning for future generations. It's unlikely they will ever confer a special social status on their owner or be considered as a luxury property however they are a unique and useful reminder of a certain time in history and should therefore be valued accordingly.