A unique opportunity to buy your own 17th Century Masterpiece.
Recently renovated tower and adjoining palace are for sale.
The castle and the tower were built in 17th century by Juan Antonio Díaz Trechuelo García de la Yedra, the Great Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition Tribunal from Logroño.
The Valdivielso local region is packed with attractions. There are numerous picturesque castles, towers and medieval churches, where one can experience both beauty and solitude. The valley is surrounded by the Tesla Mountains and Tudanca Mountains. Spain's largest flowing river, the Ebro, runs through it. Some parts of the Valdivielso have been declared as special bird protection areas (ZEPA) as this region of inland Spain is an important refuge for many birds.
There are the possibility to hunt (wild boar, deer, roe deer , among others) and to fish.
At the present the tower is used as holiday apartments ( www.torresanmartin.com ) and prospective purchasers are invited to inspect the website for the attention to detail in both authentic restoration and interior design.
The adjacent palace with further restoration would create an extra 600m2 of usable area on 4 levels.
The castle is located in Quintana de Valdivielso in the region of Valdivielso Valley in the heart of the Old Castile, 300 km north from Madrid , 90 km south from Bilbao and 60 km north from Burgos.